The unbelievable book explores the connection between branding, belief and the Bible. How an ancient pledge measures up when compared to the myriad of promises and slogans that surround us today. How would life look if we pursued a different kind of promise – an unbelievable promise?
Play the video below to hear the story behind the book:
‘It is a lovely object – a big, bold, modern, colourful book, beautifully worked out and impeccably designed.’
Brian Tattersfield – founding partner of Minale Tattersfield (large-format blue book)
← If you buy the book, you’ll need a pair of red lens decoder glasses to decipher pages of the book. Once ordered, send an email with your order number and address. I’ll then send a pair to you in the post.
‘I was amazed at how creative and thought provoking this excursion into storytelling was.’
Eric Bramlett, Creative Arts Director, Community Christian Church, Naperville (on the large-format blue book)
‘Some things in life defy explanation. They must be experienced. The Unbelievable Book is one of those things.’
Mike Davis, Creative Director, North Point Ministries, Atlanta (large-format blue book)